About Us
HYDROTECH - mining machinery and equipment manufacture and delivery,
repair, maintenance aftermarket services.
25 years of market experience, company established in 1990 - the great
transformation time in middle-eastern Europe countries, initiated in Poland
by Solidarity movement victory and collapse of comunism, great reforms
and transition into free market economy and democratic system.
In the early beginning activity was repairing and overhaulin underground
machines for the mining in rented workshop facilities of Jankowice coalmine
in Rybnik, Upper Silesia region southern Poland.
Today HYDROTECH have its own modern industry facilities, including full
range of technical and manufacture capacities, organizational well managed
structurewith highly skilled workforce and own engineering department.
Offer range includes complete machines and equipment but also hydraulic
components (cylinders, props, jacks etc.) for heavy duty supply and welded
steel structures (frames, canopies, etc.).
We have been serving to mining industry for 25 years and our key values are:
- professional skills, experience and quality,
- always on time delivery matching our clients requirements and expectations,
- availability 24 hours/7 days a week.